Monday, November 15, 2010

Final Blog and Holiday Media

This week is the last blog of the semester. I hope you've enjoyed this opportunity to share your opinions with your classmates on these various media topics. So here's the last post.

With the holidays approaching, i'd like you to share with the group any media related traditions you have. Does your family all get together to watch something on TV? Is there any particular show you love to watch every Christmas/Thanksgiving? Why is that show/s so important to you. I know i have some favorites dating back to when i was a kid but i wonder if there are any new shows that have come on recently that will one day be a favorite for my children?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Is MSNBC's Policy Correct?

Recently, Keith Olbermann, who has his own show on MSNBC, was suspended indefinitely without pay when it was revealed he contributed more than $7,000 to three different political candidates without MSNBC approval. MSNBC claimed this was an outright violation of its policy which states:
"Anyone working for NBC News who takes part in civic or other outside activities may find that these activities jeopardize his or her standing as an impartial journalist because they may create the appearance of a conflict of interest. Such activities may include participation in or contributions to political campaigns or groups that espouse controversial positions. You should report any such potential conflicts in advance to, and obtain prior approval of, the President of NBC News or his designee."

Although Olbermann is scheduled to return Tuesday, making it a very short suspension, many claim it was unwarranted and violated his civil rights to make campaign contributions to any candidate of his choosing. Olbermann argued that while he did contribute to these campaigns he never once solicited on air for anyone to give to the candidates. Many think MSNBC was holding itself to a higher standard than FOX News who not only has on-air talent who has contributed to campaigns but has itself, as an organization, contributed directly to republican activist groups.

One thing blurring the line is that many claim the talking heads on the night-time shows are commentators and pundits rather than actual journalists and shouldn't be held to higher journalistic standards. Here's a few articles on the subject. Read them and then give me your opinion.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Should Teens Be Able To Buy Violent Games

A California law that restricts the sale of violent video games to those under 18 will be challenged in the Supreme Court soon. Read This Article.

What's your opinion. Do you believe in this ban or do you side with those who say this law violates people's rights. Should a 17-year old be banned from buying a violent game? What if the 17-year old bought the game with money he earned himself? Should these games be treated the same as movies or more like pornography?