Tuesday, November 13, 2007

CNN edit job

I usually visit ebaumsworld.com everyday just to see what goofy viral videos have been posted for that day. I was interested to see the following video at http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/46835/. I know we have already talked about wrestling but i found this video interesting and i would like you to comment two paragraphs on the following.
1. Are you surprised at the editing job done here and do you think CNN did Cena a service or disservice by editing his comments?
2. Do you think Cena did an adequate job of answering the question? He starts by saying he has never taken steroids and explains that nobody would believe him otherwise.
I'd like to know what you think?


Lawrence said...

OK I'm going to watch that a few times but at first glance, that is just appalling. You really come away feeling like this guy must have something to hide from the way the clip was cut. The second version which was the full version I get a completely different perspective of him.

I am disappointed that CNN would go to these lengths. I'm hoping someone else in the class sees something I'm missing that would give them a way out because my perspective is that this was totally unprofessional. IF it indeed was broadcast that way, they cut out so much footage - what happened to the "absolutely not". That was a definitive answer, but oh no, they go with the "I can't tell you that I haven't..." because that's more sensationalism. THUMBS DOWN CNN!!
Lawrence Lockhart

Angie Jackson said...

I am not surprised that the editing was done, however I am disappointed in the way it was done. I understand that footage must be edited due to time restraints. Obviously an entire interview may not be able to air becasue there simply is not enough time. On the other hand, it is a shame that editing is done in a misleading fashion.

I do believe that editing of this nature is done frequently today. Many magazines edit stars' answers to their questions in a way that misleads the public. I feel that in this situation he was trying to give a detailed answer to better explain the situation. However, the editing of his response completely changed the nature of his answer. If someone is willing to spend time elaborating on an answer or a topic they feel strongly about, then I think it is a shame that it is cut short in a way that completely changes the face of the response.

1 said...

Dr. Williams. I want to thank you or pointing this out. I've never really looked that closely at the 'players' in wrestling. I've always just assumed that they are all college atheletes that didn't make it to the NFL, took tons of 'roids, and went to work bashing each others heads in.

This young man was well spoken, even with the slang that he used. I believe him over CNN.
I say that I believe him over CNN because, IF they aired this, they purposely made this look like something it is not.

This is a major reason for us all turning away from traditional media. We are tired of being lied to... by everyone. We want truth, we want justice, and yes... in spite of the decades long social war against it... we want the "American Way".

I'm just tired. I want to trust those claiming to bring 'news' to us. When I think of the canoe incident, this incident and others. I'm just saddened and annoyed.

I am not even sure that we have the capacity to produce un-biased truth anymore. We've become so polarised as a nation. It's a shame really because at the end of the day, most of us just want to be safe, we want to be free, and we want unencumbered opportunity to excell.

Krm126 said...

I usually side with CNN and its views, even when they seemed to be obsessed with FOX news, but to see how they tweeked and shaped this interview to get across a very biased point is just unethical. Now, I know that is what editing is about, getting the story out that you want to be seen, but as gatekeepers, CNN should be alot more responsible with how they handle the news that they relay. Them with their liberal point of views should be more adamant about putting forth people's true feelings and not the feelings that they have towards a certain story, or person.

I am quite disappointed with CNN. They seem to always try and side with the "victims," but aren't they making others victims by only showing certain sides to them. CNN made this man look as if he had a
blatant disregard for the rules in sports. He never said that he didn't use the enhancers, but they made it seem as if he was still using them and was so above the laws and regulations that no one would find out otherwise, which in the unedited version seems to be the complete opposite of this man's character. I really thought CNN had at least an ounce of integrity.

Deneka Bluitt said...

I watched the clip and I think that CNN did Cena a good job on posting the comments. I think that by CNN posting his comments than others will learn and possibly start to be open to themselves and everyone else around them. I personally think that alot of these drugs such steriods would not be taken by these wrestlers if someone other than Cena spoke their opinion to the public. I think that by CNN publishing Cena comments, than a lot of people would be able to see and learn the effects to what these different drugs are doing to these wrestlers or anyone else who is famous. I read his comments and I believe some of the things he was saying.

I think that Cena did a okay job on answering the questions that was asked to him. But, I think that he could have said or got a little more deeper than some of the comments he was saying. But, on the other hand some things are personal and needs to be kept quiet. I did get a clear picture on the little remarks he said and the steriods and why he would not take them. But, all togther I think that alot of people are moved by the comments Cena said.

Anonymous said...

I know that editing is a common practice in the news, so I am not surprised that it was done in this circumstance. I think that they did a disservice by editing his comments because they edited out the truth. By doing this, it appeared that he averted the direct question. Typically, when indirect response is given to a yes or no question, it leads people to believe the person has something to hide. Because of that, I think the media had an ethical responsibility to show the part where he gave a direct response to the question.

Yes, I think that he did an adequate job answering the question because he actually committed to a response. However, following up his response with the explanation almost sounded like he was almost defending himself too much. In my opinion that could be for only one of two reasons: Either his initial response was a complete lie (you know, the old adage: “Me thinks thou dost protest too much”) or he has been accused of steroid abuse so often that defending himself has become a knee-jerk reaction.

Rebecca (raz11)

kylebennett49 said...

I think the editing job by CNN is a very good job. I also think they did a major disservice to john cena by making it kinda seem like hes on steriods. When i first saw it i thought to myself hes on steriods why would he say it like that. After watching the whole thing you kinda feel sorry for him that the video was released like that.
I think cena did a really good job in answering the questions. Its tough to tell if a lot of these wrestlers are or are not on steriods because they are so big. I kinda see john cena as one of the good guys so in my opinionn i think that hes not on steriods. I think he did a really good job on the interview but got put in a bad spot.
John Bennett (kkb34)

eric alred said...

Although I am not surprised at the editing job that CNN did on that piece, that in now way prevents me from being disgusted by their obvious attempt to mislead their audience by carefully omitting important portions of that interview. I understand time constraints and because of that editing is necessary but in your editing you have the responsibility to make certain that the unbiased story is still presented. Obviously, CNN wanted the viewers of this interview to see this wrestler in a different light. The most apalling part is their editing out his "absolutely not" response to his personal steroid use.

I am not familiar with professional wrestling nor Mr Cena but from watching the unedited portions of the interview, I thought he was being honest and trying to be forthwright in his answers. He certainly came across as credible to me. Which, for some reason, is not what CNN wanted.

Emma Tate said...

No I am not surprised at the way they edited the video because they are always doing something to cover up for people if they like them. And yes it did him a disservice by editing it because its not fair to the other wrestlers that have used steroids.

No he didn't answer the questions well because the question was have you used steroids before and he's like I can't say that I have or haven't but you can't tell if I have. Therefore he should have just been honest with himself and his fans.

rvw3 said...

I think the person who did the editing is miserable. They completely ruined his words and if I was a fan of his and watched the interview I would stop supporting him. The issue of steroid abuse is definitely a hot topic these days and that could ruin a career because sports are doing a distancing themselves with any athlete who may be guilty of doping. CNN should be sued for such slanderous remarks.
John definitely did a good job answering the question. He said he didn't use steroids. Hey wait didn't the entire baseball league say that and then get busted. I just find that funny. I bet Barry Bonds wishes he would have admitted it a long time ago instead of getting served all those inditements yesterday. He took the easy route and forcibly said he never used them but come on wrestling they are all guilty as hell

Mark said...

My surprise is that the unedited version got out and that Cena is not suing CNN for defamation of character. I have stated in many of the assignments so far that i do not trust anything I hear on the news anymore. This has turned out to be the safe attitude on many occasions. CNN not only did Cena a disservice, they did athletics at large a disservice as well as anyone who listened to the airing of this interview.

I wonder sometimes how involved is the person asking questions. Often they appear that they are not even listening. They seem to be just being pretty and asking a list of predetermined questions. If so, it could be possible that the initial “…absolutely not…” response was not even heard by a person who was just asking questions and not listening to the answer. This leaves the production team who edited the tape.

The most reasonable answer to this is that Cena’s actual answer was a prediction of what was to come. This being said there are two things that should be said of Cena. He was stupid to answer the question at all but having decided to answer the question he should have just said, “NO!” and not elaborated so much. Sometimes we are our worse enemy.

I think that tail chasing the dog scenario that we see here is funny. He knows from his own answer it is going to be turned on him. Did this give CNN the idea?!?

Mark Mize mcm3

Joeli and Chris said...

I am going to have to say that I think they did Cena a disservice. I say this because all you see in the edited version is him saying that he hasn't done steroids and you can't prove that he has. It really comes off sounding very arrogant and like he's poking at officials and testing them telling them to try it, but you're not going to find anything!
I think that CNN should have aired more of that conversation. He, like most athletes, will never say a complete no now days when asked about steroids. I guess, they are looking at Barry Bonds and the trouble he is in because he took the stand and blatantly denied any steroid use. I guess it is safer for them to say that they can't say no or something to that nature. It really looks like CNN has something to hide since they are the ones going to lenths to edit, cut and copy what they want displayed on their show. I like CNN, but this makes me frown on them!

amanda_shirley said...

After watching this clip, I think it is very unprofessional the way CNN edited the footage. Editing has to be done because of course not everything can be used, but it should be done in a tasteful,truthful manner. CNN wants the viewers to trust the news that they support, but how can we if we think that they are not giving us the whole story? This editing job makes CNN look very uncredible.

In the actual unedited version of the interview, Cena directly states that he does not nor never did use steroids. He did not bolt the question nor try to get away from answering it in any way. He tried to emphasize his point to make himself clear and his explanation was not shown and was edited to make it look like he was guilty. CNN did not even show the part where he denies using steroids. I think that the comment where Cena says "I can't tell you that I haven't, but you can't prove that I have" might not have been needed for him to say to get his point across, but this has nothing to do with the issue here. CNN was completely in the wrong and definitely did not do Cena a favor with their editing.

Cathy Lammons said...

I am very surprised at CNN. I understand that editing needs to be made, but they could have edited without changing the message. I watched this clip twice just to make sure I undetstood what was happening.

I truly am dissapointed in this network. How can you keep your creditbility when you edit comments that give a totally different view of the person being interviewed?

It makes me wonder if everything thing they report is true!

M. Middleton said...

I am not suprised by this editing, I think that in order to get good ratings that news cast have to do certain things. I think that they did Cena a disservice because it can hurt his crediablility. No matter what people think or how bad the stereotype someone, unless you have the facts, you should not report on anything else.

I do think that Cena could have answered the question a little bit clearier then he did, but never the less he did answer that he did not and has not used drugs.

janice archie said...

To me, in the first version of the cut clip, the commentator is misleading. It expressess John Cena's irritability of being asked if he has taken steroids. By watching the first clip, I felt John Cena was avoiding a direct answer of "yes" or "no".

In the second, longer version, I perceived that John Cena did answer the question directly. I do not know for certainty, if Cena is telling the truth or not about the use or nonuse of steroids, but I do know he makes a valid point about how people, in today's society, can be proned to be sceptical about athletes, and others in the news, about natural-born talents.

I believe the questioning of athletes over the use of strength enhancers can also cause people to question if the guest celebrities on such game shows as, "Wheel of Fortune" or "Deal or No Deal", already know the puzzle answers or which case or cases hold the substanial amounts of money.