It seems that Talk Radio just gets meaner and meaner. Instead of giving us a civil discourse, we get a screaming "us versus them" mentality that really doesn't help or inspire any of us as citizens.
I spent a lot of time growing up within earshot of Atlanta, where popular talk radio host Neal Boortz broadcasts his syndicated show. Last week, Boortz began a rant on the radio.
I'd like to know what you think of his comments. You can hear them and read the transcript by clicking here.
Do you think Boortz is justified in his comments.
Monday, February 4, 2008
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I agree with Neal Boortz to a certain extent. I don't agree with all the name calling, but he gets his point across. However, I do not agree with Edwards that it is all Bush's fault.
I remember watching footage of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and all the people did was complain, complain, complain about what was not done for them. No one ever, not once, mentioned what was done to help the people who did not want help until it was all over with.
Every person in New Orleans was given an opportunity to get out. However, the lazy ones decided to stick around and ride the storm out. They thought, what is the worst that can happen? I can get more government assistance. I work everyday and pay taxes so that the lazy people that can work, but choose not to can get government assistance. Yet at the same time, I struggle to provide for my own family!!!
I hope that our new President takes a look at the amount of assistance that is going to the people that could work, but don't and gives it to the ones who would love to work, but are unable to do so.
Let me start by saying that I do not love to work. I have to and I do it, but I don't love it by any means. Some are lucky and find their true calling and like their jobs. But I would dare to say that 90% of people do not like thier jobs and like even less having to go there! That's why it is called a job, you do it to get the money to survive! If it was all fun and people loved it so much they would call it sport or hobby or something! I have no pity for people who just don't work because they are lazy and can sponge off of grandmothers and governments. The people in the Big Easy were not all lazy. Some were useless and worthless and this you will find in every city, state, and country in the world. The ones who stayed, mostly were poor and had been poor across generations. When it comes to public housing, you find all types of mental illness and physical disability. These types of people are not easily welcomed into friends and relatives homes. We are scared they'll do something to our kids or rob us blind. Evidently, they had alot of public housing. It's sad but the most of the poor, didn't have anywhere to go. They could not hail a cab and say "take me to that nice hotel way north of this storm!" The radio show guy (Boortz) is pushing it. Who's going to like a clown like that who has no tolerace for people of a lower class than he apparently considers himself to be. He was fueling hatred within his listeners,and enjoying it just a little much, and that can never be a good thing.
He should go with Edwards, pick up a hammer and learn a thing or two about service!
The caller was from Louisianna too, why didn't she do something before the storm threat, to help them get off the welfare and into the high class like she had done for herself, since she is such an expert on "those people?"
The only Katrina people I have met were college students.They had to start over with nothing but the shirt on their back. They did not ask for that. The government did help them plenty and so did the churches, and individuals. You can't blame them for staying at the only home they knew. Huricanes had come before. Who knew that one would get so wild.
Some say it was the hand of GOD trying to tell them something. Stop that sinful Fat Tuesday stuff, or get out of this below sea level place you nutcases! Katrina helped some of them get out of there, and killed off many others. So, the radio host can be assured that he has fewer to hate on than he realizes.
Wow! He really says what he thinks!
I think everyone has the right their opinion. His opinion just happens to be on a nationally syndicated radio show; which makes for a little more controversy. I think some of his comments were a little harsh. But, I can also see where he is coming from. There were a lot of people there that knew the Katrina was coming that had the opportunity to leave and they didn’t. I think there were probably several reasons people didn’t leave. Some were probably just stubborn and were not leaving their home and they were just going to “ride it out” like a lot of Mississippi people did. It is a fact that there are a lot of poverty stricken people in New Orleans, but I still believe that most could have gotten out if they wanted too.
I think Boortz took it a little too far calling everyone fat asses and that the people who stayed were just staying for their checks. Who knows, he could be right, but there is a more tactful way to say it. But, I agree with nancyh that there are useless, no good people everywhere, not just in New Orleans. It was not surprising to me that they had a job fair in Rhode Island and no one came. The ones that were serious about starting over had probably already found jobs and the useless ones were going to be useless whether they were in New Orleans or Rhode Island. People have to want to help theirselves sometimes. You cannot always depend on someone else for everything or think that it should automatically be given to you. And I know that we can blame a lot on Bush, but everything isn’t his fault. He could not make those people leave the city. He probably could have gotten help down there sooner, but that is a whole other blog!
Katrina did represent a social milestone in our history; however, the issue raised by Boorzt is one that stems from the political aftermath of the storm. Boortz seems to be battling Senator Edwards' opinion on how the government handled the New Orleans' situation. Boortz uses straight line thinking to denounce not only Edwards, but also the people whom Edwards is trying to help. His view of the people of New Orleans sounds one sided. However, one can interpret that Boortz knows the correct facts of New Orleans' social-economic standings in comparison to the rest of the nation.
He is open to his opinion on the Katrina situation, but if Boortz is going to target Edwards, he should speak only of Edwards' pitfalls and problems. The social issues of our nation will continue to affect America's political divide, but the power of the Press should help mend fences through communication not break them down.
I am like Tessa Horn, I agree to a certain extent. There were many people devestated by Hurricane Katrina and many have received help and encouragement. There, however are those who have just made a mockery of the system and "good-hearted" people. That seems to make a negative empact on the situation.
I have nothing against New Orleans or the Coast. I do find it difficult to understand how people on the Mississippi Coast pulled together, helped eachother and have rebuilt alot of what was destroyed, but the people that were portrayed or seen in the media out of New Orleans seem to be all for themselves and wanting to be helped, but the ones that we saw on the news were not willing to help themselves. That I do not understand. Two different places, not that far apart, hard hit by devestation, but the reaction so different.
I do remember hearing about a woman that a Church took up a collection for to build her a new home after she lost everything in Katrina. They collected the money, even assisted in having the home built, presented her with a brand new home and extra cash. You know what she did? She sold the house and kept the money. That's what is hurting relief efforts and the reactions of people who want to help.
Do I believe any of this is the fault of George Bush? No, to an extent. I believe there should have been a better system and more sufficient guidelines for this kind of tragedy. That is something I believe the government learned the hard way.
I completely agree with what Boortz said. There are people in New Orleans and all over the US that think the government owe them something. They act like they don't need to work, they can live off of what tax payers work for. It makes me sick to think that I am helping support a bunch of lazy people who only want to sit at home, have babies, and wait for a check. These people aren't stupid, they know exactly how to manipulate the government to get what they want.
When Katrina hit, there were so many people who acted like the government was suppose to take full responsibility for them and they didn't have to do anything but sit and wait. I think that is complete bull.
However, I did not agree with Boortz talking about New Orleans as a whole as being lazy. There were and are some people that actually get up every morning and work a real job. Like Edwards said, they own their own homes and are model citizens. I don't think it was fair to group them with the people who live off the government.
I think it is time for the government to reevaluate the system and stop supporting these people who are lazy and give more support to people like the elderly who, like the song says, "can't afford the drugs they can't live without."
Clearly America had an emergency on its hands with Hurricane Katrina, but who would be blamed for the aftermath? Many we thought were victims knocked off there feet without a chance for survival we came to realize, allegedly, never had a standing leg to begin with. Everyone seems to understand, New Orleans was a quagmire for propaganda. After a natural disaster of that magnitude, it should be argued, a plausible relief effort grows into an almost untamable beast. Once again, American media collapsed and listened to whoever yelled the loudest. I believe the Bush administration was condemned unjustly.
Along comes, Neal Boortz, bless his heart, a fellow who speaks his mind and stands for what it should mean to be American, independent and hardworking, who had every right to speak harshly about epidemic, New Oleander behavior. I found the clever tirade by Boortz to be informative and amusing. Still, I wish there were more folks who shared John Edwards compassion for its failed state, but at the same time, I also wish there were more voices like Neal Boortz who did not.
Caleb McNair
Am I allowed to curse? No? Well, I will write this as well as I can...Here it goes..
Let me start off my saying that if you have never been poor you should never open your loud racist mouth to say anything about poor people. (Side note: I didn’t know everyone in New Orleans was a fat ass - I saw some small ones on the news) If you have never had to struggle, or have been turned down for work because of the color of your skin or the way your hair is all fuzzy, or because you talk with a certain accent..don’t say anything to me about being poor and lazy. If there are no jobs to be had unless you have a Master's degree of 10 years of experience, you are just going in a circle.
Please don’t be ignorant, it makes us all look bad. There are lazy people in every race and at every corner of the globe. I was given opportunities that others did not have access to. I went to school with those that did have the same opportunities but their life took a different turn when they had children out of wedlock and had to drop out of life to take care of them. Do I feel sorry for, but can I say that I would be where I am if the same thing had happened to me? No.
I do admit that stealing televisions in the middle of a crisis is not a good look, but to refer to any human being as "garbage" makes you the real trash of the world.
Go **** yourself. (Almost made it without cursing)
In Response to Tessa Horn:
"No one ever, not once, mentioned what was done to help the people who did not want help until it was all over with."
" However, the lazy ones decided to stick around and ride the storm out. "
If you have a job that pays 6.00 an hour and you cannot afford a car...becuase of that in the **** were you supposed to get out of the way of a hurricane? The busses did not show up until afterwards. I would LOVE an answer to that.
In Response to Nancy H -
"It's sad but the most of the poor, didn't have anywhere to go. They could not hail a cab and say "take me to that nice hotel way north of this storm!" -
Thank you!! Someone with a brain!
I hate to say it,but i do agree with Neal Boortz to some extent. He def. speaks his mind. I do agree that some people in new orleans where just waiting on a check and didnt want anything for themselves. That goes to show when they lady called in saying that the people of New Hampshire held a job fair and noone showed up. Although there were people who were physically and to the lack of money unable to leave and that was not there fault. And, for the people that could get out and are fussing about what has and hasnt been done, they shouldnt be granted anything. But for the most part the ones who were not able to get out are gratful and I would be very willing to help them and I think most of the people would think so too.
I dont see why Edwards would point fingers at Pres. Bush, like it was his fault that New Orleans was flooded. He did what he could to help out and so did other U.S. citizens, so they people in new orleans should be greatful for anything that they are getting.
I consider myself a fairly blunt person who isn't scared to speak her mind, but I think that Mr. Boortz went over the line with his description of the people in New Orleans. Don't get me wrong, I agree with him, that a certain culture has been cultivated in this country that gives people an excuse for why they can't get a job or work to earn money the way that most of us do.
The more that you enable people to be the victim the more they will take advantage of it. Why would these people get jobs, earn their own money, and pay their own bills? Because they don't have to. Every month they get their check and will spend it on whatever, and then complain that they aren't given enough money to live. What about the people who started with nothing and went on to be very successful in their lives? The more that the government, regardless of what Party, enables these people in New Orleans or any other part of the country to continue to live like this the worse our economic situation will get. There are people who work very hard to make ends meet every month and don't rely on the government. There are people who work 2 and 3 jobs to support themselves. Why are we penalizing those people and rewarding the ones that don't do anything.
I don't agree with how Mr. Boortz went about making his point but I have to say that I agree with him. I don't think that it's completely Bush's fault that we as citizens have to take responsibility for voting for our leaders and putting them in the power to make these decisions. For John Edwards to blame this on one particular person is wrong. Each one of us has to take responsibility for the decisions that we make, even if the decision happens to be bad.
I wish that less of the money that I work hard for went to people that have no interest in supporting themselves. I would rather assist those who are working and who have jobs and are struggling to make ends meet. At least then I know that they are contributing to society.
Everyone has a right to his/her opinion; Boortz has a right to his opinion. I do believe when we go through situations we have no control over you need to have empathy. I do not know if the Katrina victims had enough time to get out or not, even if they did, they probably didn't have anywhere to go. Everyone is not financial able to pick up and leave their home every time they hear a storm is coming through. I'm sure they took things for granted just like most of us do and just assumed the storm was going to by-bass their city as many other storms have done in the pass. Some of the Katrina victims were not physically able or even mentally able to get out before the storm took place. When you are a under-rated and over-paid radio talk show host like Boortz it's easy to sit back and criticize.
I do not believe any of this is the fault of George Bush, but I believe he could have come to the Katrina victims rescue sooner. I believe he should have provided financial as well as medical assistance to the Katrina victim in a timelier manner. I do believe there should have been a better system in place for this kind of tragedy.
I don't necessary believe that the people didn't leave because of laziness. It hink they expected bad weather, but nothing as extreme as Katrina. The caller that said that she was a former mail deliverer. She was just as cynical as Boortz. Let's face it he is basically talking about African Americans (where is Rev Al). The majority of the people that you saw was Afrian Americans, but what about the elderly and the handicapped? I guess they were waiting on checks to. No one wants to die a horrible death like that.
As for homes a person's home is there home whether it's Public Housing, Goverment Assisted Housing,or privately financed. The point is they lost the only thing they knew as homes. Boortz has no compassion. I wonder how he would feel if he was in the situation some of these people have found themselves in.
As for blame it's enough of that to go around, from the President down to the Mayor.
I don’t agree with the negative comments that Boortz made about the people and the city of New Orleans. I was always taught to be careful what you say about someone, after all every living creature is something and somebody. I wander if he never stops to think about maybe the people might have the money to leave New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina came.
This just shows you how narrow minded some people are and how they think. Sometime people don’t know how words make a person feel. Then again some people don’t know how to handle different situations. Perhaps the comments were made because Boortz had plenty of money and didn’t care if he hurt people feeling or not.
Wow. This guy is something. Although I agree with his points, I do not agree with the way he said it. He could have use a little more tact.
There were a lot of people who blamed the President for the destruction that Hurricane Katrina caused, but he was not at fault. He did what he could. The people of New Orleans should actually blame their newly re-elected mayor for not getting them out in time. He had the resources to do so, but did nothting to help his citizens.
I think the government was more than generous with the funds that they gave the victims of the hurricane, but no one appreciated it. All they did was complain that it was not enough. I can not believe that the society we live can blame one person for an act of God, and complain about the help and aid that was given by millions of taxpayers and volenteers. No one had to help them, but out the goodness of their heart they did.
Like I said I do not agree with the way Boortz told his side, but he did make several good points.
I was shocked at how someone could speak of other people who lost family and a chucnk of their lives like Neal Boortz. Yes, I do believe that most of the people who stayed and did not evacuate could have done more for themselves than they did. But when something as horrific as Katrina happens it's time to help whoever needs the help.
I do think that it is a shame that the job fair that was held (I believe the lady said in Rhode Island) was not attended by any of the refugees. The refugees definitely could put out some effort of their own. But I'm a true believer in don't judge someone until you have walked in their shoes.
I actually disagree with Boortz. I am a very conservative person and my opinions usually tend to be close to those of the staunchest Republicans in many ways, but this issue doesn't make much sense. Hypothetically, let's say all your family lives in the same city, as many poor families do. You have one car, if you are lucky, and you are told you need to evacuate your home. Let's not go into WHY you are poor or whether you have job or not because that is really not important here. Where will you go? How will you survive when you get there? Granted, New Orleans is a crime-ridden area. There are massive slums and ghettos all around the industrial parts of the city. There are plenty of welfare riders there to be sure. Now, that is where my disagreement ends.
Evacuation assistance for those who had no other way of leaving is fine. The rest, I am wholeheartedly in agreement with. If you lived in government subsidized housing because you are "holding out for a management position" instead of taking what jobs are available to you, then you are wrong. When I chose to leave the military, my wife and I both worked two jobs apiece to make ends meet. I worked as a bank teller in a predominately Hispanic neighborhood during the day and worked as a 411 operator at night. I mention the neighborhood because I am not Hispanic and I paid hell for that every day, so no excuses about racism in the job place because I put up with more than my share. My wife worked at a travel agency during the day and a restaurant at night. We both got one day off per week and we had to fight to make sure it was the same day so that we could be with each other. Lucky for me, the government had need of my services as a contractor and I was able to get a decent job with benefits.
Now I spend my off time doing school work and helping my wife raise our daughter. If we can do that, they can get ONE job and attempt to move forward with their lives. I despise lazy, excuse-making, able-bodied people who refuse to work at McDonalds because it's embarrassing to them and will gladly take a hand-out from Uncle Sam because their "culture" finds that acceptable. It is difficult for me not to get more nasty about this topic because there is always an option out there. I don't care what anyone says. I have been at the bottom before and you have to want to rise before you will. It's not a "race thing" it's not a "socioeconomic thing". It is a willpower thing. If you want to rise above your current station in life, you do what is necessary to achieve that end. Work at McDonalds, work at the carwash, work for the sanitation department and get an education at night. Save your limited money and use it for things to get one step further. A nice interview outfit would be the first thing. You can get some decent clothes for those occasions for very little money now. I once bought a dress shirt, tie, pants and a belt for less than $30. How much did that fancy cell-phone that you see these young men in the neighborhoods using cost? If you prioritize your goals, you can move upward and onward. I have no sympathy for those who make excuses.
I remember hearing about how the individuals in New Orleans didn't make much effort at all to get out of Hurricane Katrina's wrath. I thought they were stupid! I do agree that they just waited for others to do what they should have done. They were told in advance what to do to help themselves and they didn't take the advice. It is not President Bush's fault. What do they think he was suppost to do? They are the one's that should have used common sense! They were so lazy and still are! They are still complaining! I can's stand people who are just sitting waiting on a hand-out and that is exactly what kind of people they are. There were alot of families that were affected by Hurricane Katrina and they should have received the help. Government assistance is abused everyday because people are lazy! Neal Boortz was very clear in how he feels but I think it caused his listeners to stir up anger all over again about this situation! I do agree that they were waiting on their checks but he didn't have to be so harsh in how he put it.
The people of New Orleans were given a warning to get out but I know no one expected it to be so bad. IT is very sad that this man is calling these people trash and parasites. These are human beings we are talking about, not garbage. No matter what people are doing they don't deserve to be talked about in that way.
So many of those people lost their lives, and yes they should have left when they had a chance but even if they did they still would not have had a home to come back to, and I'm sure there are some people that did not try to find jobs and wanted a check but I'm sure there were a lot more that are struggling to start their lives over after such a horrible event. I would like to hear comments from people that had family there. I'm sure they would be very hurt and dissagree strongly with what this man was saying
I do agree with what he was saying to a certain extent. I believe that people do get lazy and wait on the government to "come to their resuce".
I also believe that he was a little harsh in the way he approached this. It is his opinion, and he could have stated his opinion in a more tactful way as to not upset anyone. People are more likely to see his side in a more positive way if he approached this more tactfully.
Kimberly Cook
Talk Radio
Mr. Boortz has a right to his opinion but I truly believe he is trying to get ratings. There are good and bad in every city and New Orleans is no different than any other place. However, Mr. Boortz is correct about a lot of the residents from New Orleans; most are still waiting on the government to pick-up the pieces and provide them with a check. During Hurricane George in 1998 we lost everything and understand what it means to start all over again. Yes, we had insurance however, we submitted a claim for $150,000.00 and we received $38,000.00 because of depreciation and we didn’t have full replacement value coverage. Imagine five members living in one room of a hotel for over 6 months while waiting for our home to be repaired. We had to start all over again and if any of you think $38,000.00 is a lot of money, it’s not. We still had to pay our bills and live. It was hard but we picked up extra jobs, cut out a lot of the useless spending and after about a year we could see the light again. I was on active duty in the military when this happened but the government didn’t step in and say oh let me restore you now.
Mr. Boortz is frustrated and annoyed because it’s been over 2 years and a lot of people from New Orleans are still looking for a handout. He should not refer to those that are still waiting on a handout as parasites; they are people and they matter. They are still waiting on affordable housing and jobs to come back but it’s not going to happen. A lot of those homes weren’t worth what it cost now to build a home. It doesn’t make economic sense to put low incomes homes up in a place that’s trying to rebound. After Katrina you could go anywhere you wanted and just start over. Sometimes, you have to move to a small town to pick up the pieces. I remember this couple moving to small town in Maine to start over again after Katrina. It turned out great because they were welcomed with open arms and given home and jobs. The follow-up with this family is positive; they are still living in Bangor, Maine.
Believe it or not, this is my very first time reading some of Neal Boortz comments and frankly he is a races piece of shit that needs his ass drugged through the Louisiana mud naked. I know that everyone has their own opinion but my God these are innocent people that didn't deserve what happened to them at all. I wonder what kind of comments he would have if it was his hometown or mother and father. How selfish can you be to not have the least bit of remorse for these poor people and have the nerve to classify them as useless and worthless people like he knew them personally. I don't care what nobody says he called New Orleans "a city of parasites," because the majority of the people are black and he must be still stuck in the olden days because if he wasn't races, no matter whether the people were black, white, muslim, or mexican, he would feel some type of remorse for those people.
It is true that everyone had a chance to get out of New Orleans but we still have to look at it as you don't know the reason why they didn't leave, such as maybe they were unabled or other important reasons. It's not like the weather people always be on point about the weather but in this case they were right but yet and still people take chances and in this case they made a bad choice but who hasn't. Life is living and learning and this tragdey was definitely a learning experience to the survivors of Hurricane Katrina. It's not as if deadly hurricanes are constantly in New Orleans, this was the first time that this incident has occured in a long time and just because they didn't react a certain way does not make them any less human. At times such as these people should set aside their differences and come together as a nation and pray nothing like this happens again.
Neal Boortz is an ignorant, racist individual who had better be watching his back after posting such a uncalled for statment about people who live in the city of New Orleans. There may have been some people who were living this way but it was not the whole city of people and he had no right to sterotype these people as if they were. Just like it would be wrong of me to sterotype all white people as being white trash. That would be out of line and very uncalled for. what ever happened to if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all? I know of some people who came from New Orleans that are good hard working people who want things out of life and are striving to make a new life for themselves despite what many people may think. After reading these comments it makes me wondering if these comments were targeted towards the city of New Orleans because it is Prodomately black?
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