Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hey gang,
I realize i am late in posting this week. that's because i am totally swamped from now until April 1st. So let's chalk this one up to a freebie.

Everyone gets 4 points this week. but look for me to be back in gear next week.



Tessa Horn said...

Thanks Dr. Williams!!!!

EThompson said...

thanks alot!!! Eunice Thompson

Mari said...

We all really appreciate the points.

Rebecca said...

Dr. Williams:
Thanks a Bunch,we really appreciate the points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

elizabeth bowling said...

Thanks alot.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I have been kind of swamped myself.

Gunner said...

Thankyou Dr. Williams!
I have had alot on my mind this week. My grandmother almost died in a car accident on Good Friday and my great aunt did die. My great grandmother was like a grandmother to me. This has been a really tough situation and I have not been able to focus very well. Thankyou for the extra points! Heather F.

Gunner said...

I meant that my great aunt was like a grandmother to me. I saw the error.