Monday, June 15, 2009

On Vacation

So i'm writing this in a starbucks while i'm on vacation at the beach in florida. I don't have much time before they close so let me post some quick questions here. Do your media habits change during the summer and how? Do you go to the movies more often? Read more books? And what about any summer trips you take or any long trips away from home for that matter. When you go on a trip do you feel more or less engaged with the media? Do you welcome the chance to "unplug" from television, the internet, your cellphone, or do you feel withdrawn and less connected to the world? Two paragraphs on these if you can. and don't forget you can bounce questions off each other. the point of this blog is to foster conversation not just between you and i but between each other.


marjorie said...

Yes, I think my media habits change during the summer. One reason it changes is because of summer online courses for my convenience. Other reasons involve more shopping and traveling online and more free time to explore the net. However,I do not read more books but I do tend to watch more movies and go to the theaters more.

When traveling, it is best to book rooms and view lower prices online.So, I would say I use the internet more, watch more television, and talk on my cellular phone more. I feel more involved with the world by the media in the summer than during the school term.

allison said...

Yes I think your habits do change during the summer. It is a time we can retreat outside and do things that we haven't been able to during the colder months.I personally do not go to the movies but the opportunity is there to be able to. I do not read more books except for those that class requires. I still attend summer classes. When going on a trip, I would not unplug from the rest of the world. I would feel alone and out of touch.
I am one of those students that attends class all year so not much changes for me during the summer. I am married and have a little one so that never stops.

cstone042 said...

I love summer but hate the heat. I spent two summers in Iraq, and I promise you 94 degrees with 80% humidity is much worse than 120 degrees and 0 humidity. Summers is the time when the girl’s shorts get smaller and their skin gets darker. During the summer it is more likely that I will go fishing, take a hike through the woods, or spend the day at the swimming pool. But, because of my age and my eagerness to get out of college I am as busy in the summer as I am during other seasons. I have sacrificed things like week long vacations to the beach and road trips to the many surrounding cities with good entertainment.
I am addicted to the trash they call 24 hour news networks and C-SPAN the best place to get unbiased news. I try to stay informed on every important issue that the world is facing. Many people are not aware that the events taking place at this very moment will affect their lives in some fashion in the future. I do not want to be surprised when North Korea breaks the 50 year ceasefire and launches a massive invasion in to South Korea.
I will be honest, when I do get the chance to get away, my media habits do change. I screen my phone calls, stay away from the computer, and keep the play station 3 off. But, I have to read a good newspaper. I enjoy the break from the constant sensationalism produced by the must bias news coverage since the Spanish- American War.
In my opinion, MSNBC is the must bias network I thought the role of the media was to report the news not campaign for different politicians’ agendas. But, after a while of abstinence I do start to feel withdrawn from the rest of the world and go looking for my fix. For some reason I feel the need to be constantly informed about current events. This is a good and bad thing. I have the ability to have an intelligent conversation about important issues, but knowing all the horrible things that take place in the world everyday makes it hard to relax. Sometimes I wish the 24 hour news networks did not exist so we could just read the newspaper and make our own decisions as opposed to being brained washed by Chris Matthews, Anderson Cooper and the worst of all Keith Olbermann

cstone042 said...

I love summer but hate the heat. I spent two summers in Iraq, and I promise you 94 degrees with 80% humidity is much worse than 120 degrees and 0 humidity. Summers is the time when the girl’s shorts get smaller and their skin gets darker. During the summer it is more likely that I will go fishing, take a hike through the woods, or spend the day at the swimming pool. But, because of my age and my eagerness to get out of college I am as busy in the summer as I am during other seasons. I have sacrificed things like week long vacations to the beach and road trips to the many surrounding cities with good entertainment.
I am addicted to the trash they call 24 hour news networks and C-SPAN the best place to get unbiased news. I try to stay informed on every important issue that the world is facing. Many people are not aware that the events taking place at this very moment will affect their lives in some fashion in the future. I do not want to be surprised when North Korea breaks the 50 year ceasefire and launches a massive invasion in to South Korea.
I will be honest, when I do get the chance to get away, my media habits do change. I screen my phone calls, stay away from the computer, and keep the play station 3 off. But, I have to read a good newspaper. I enjoy the break from the constant sensationalism produced by the must bias news coverage since the Spanish- American War.
In my opinion, MSNBC is the must bias network I thought the role of the media was to report the news not campaign for different politicians’ agendas. But, after a while of abstinence I do start to feel withdrawn from the rest of the world and go looking for my fix. For some reason I feel the need to be constantly informed about current events. This is a good and bad thing. I have the ability to have an intelligent conversation about important issues, but knowing all the horrible things that take place in the world everyday makes it hard to relax. Sometimes I wish the 24 hour news networks did not exist so we could just read the newspaper and make our own decisions as opposed to being brained washed by Chris Matthews, Anderson Cooper and the worst of all Keith Olbermann.

I would like to know your opinion on what the most bias news network is and who the most bias news anchor is.
My opinion: MSNBC Keith Olbermann
Please respond

Paige said...

cstone- I've got a remedy for your issue with news anchors...turn off the television. It's easier than you think! I learned long ago to stay away from the cable much negativity! If I'm not careful I can let that affect who I am.

Back on topic...I don't really think my media habits change in the summer these days. When I was a kid, yeah. I work full time now and I'm not a teacher, so my summer days consist of the same routine as my winter days (well, maybe some added golf).

I do occasionally take a beach trip, during which time I really really enjoy turning off the cell phone, and letting go for a while. That will be tough this year, as I'm enrolled in a few classes and will have to be online a little.

Hope you have a nice vacation Kevin!

Abbi said...

I think that in some ways my media habits change. I am working full-time so my summer doesn’t necessarily “look” any different than the rest of the year, but there does seem to be more time for relaxing and just enjoying the outdoors (except for the heat). I do not go to the movies more often, but that is only because I do not want to pay the outrageous prices! If I do go to a movie it is a matinee. I think as far as television consumption my habits stay the same in the summer, again probably because I work full-time and am not at home during the day. I can definitely remember in high school my summer days would consist of MUCH more television watching.

As for media engagement when I’m on vacation. I do not totally cut myself off because I think at this day in age that’s pretty tough to do. I have my cell phone but will screen calls. I do occasionally watch television while I’m on vacation, but I really try to fill my time with things that I cannot do at home…meaning less movies and TV and more outside opportunities or shopping or whatever that might be. Overall, I can see a slight change in my media habits during the summer but nothing drastic.

ChaosandOrder said...

My media habits changed really for the entire year a few years ago. I do watch some local news for weather updates, or if I saw something happen on the interstate and was curious of the outcome, but for the most part I do not watch television. I do get Forbes reports in my email but I usually delete these now after so much negativity. My favorite thing to do is read. I get many magazine publications on current scientific advancements in many areas and lots of books.
My family camps for mini vacations year round, usually primitive sites so no electricity and no television. I usually feel free from the chaos and negativity about the country's current condition.
I have noticed after being disengaged from so much media that I am not as much constantly worried about being robbed, or my kids being kidnapped, or being murdered by some estranged relative. To me the media seems to put those thoughts in one's head. Research has shown a drop in crime over the last 10 to 15 years, really further back than that, but it sure seems like there is much more coverage of crime these days.
My cellphone is used to keep in contact with family and friends not the internet. I think I spent 9 bucks on my phone and it works perfectly well for its purpose, that way I have more money to spend on say a membership to the museum so my kids don't have to rush through in one day.
In no way, though, do I feel less connected to the world. In fact I believe I feel more connected to the world and maybe a little less connected to American society and their materialistic values.

cstone042 said...

Thanks for the advice Steve, but I know where the power button is. If I have anymore questions I will let you know.

Cherry Uvodka said...

My habits do not change according to season. I never get the chance to travel. I'm always either at home, work or school. If I go out of town it's just to shop and I don't find that relaxing because it's for the household. The few times I have spent the weekend in a hotel, I took my laptop so I could complete assignments. I bore easily so I will watch t.v. I wasn't intending to be in summer school and was looking forward to having the Summer off. As for movies, I don't attend those very often unless it's one that is superhero related. Once upon a time I did read in between semesters. I love to read, especially if I find the book to be interesting, funny or intriguing. I find that I don't have time for reading these days. I have books on the shelf now with not so much as a wrinkle on the spine to indicate it was actually opened!

Meryl said...

Most definatly! Now that it is summer I noticed I have already read two books and watched TV a total of 4 hours a day..max. Instead of watching TV Ive rented a few movies, since summer actually allows me free time to sit down and really enjoy a movie.

As for internet use, except for checking e-mail and doing work for this online class, I really haven't used the internet as much as I normally would. I think its because I am doing more things outisde and not relying on the internet to help pass time. When its winter, or cold out, I'm indoors more, so I retreat to the internet for something to do.

Vactions to me are a chance to break away from the daily things we do, and since I watch TV and check email everyday, I try NOT to do these things on my vacation.
The only thing I keep with me on my vacations that connects me to the world is my cell phone. I don't care about whats going on in China when I've got sugar sand and crystal clear waters in front of me....JULY 1st..hurry up please :)

tFisher said...

The summer months to me means more of the beach, mini vacations, and more family outings. With my children beginning to enter grade school age I can see that the summer months will allow extra time to hang out, play outside (when the mosquitoes don't carry you away), and enjoy my kid's outlook on life. My family goes on vacation more in these months, even if just mini vacations. We use our motorhome more to travel throughout our State enjoying off beat places, golf, Disney, other theme parks, and all places with water! This summer I have been reading more...Thanks Dr. Williams. Typically I do not read more than usual during the summer. After having small children what is the movies? Oh, that is the big screen that you watch half a Disney or Pixar movie before your child wants to leave in the middle. Yes, we do a few more of those in the summer months.

I enjoy being "unplugged" and "disconnected" from the outside media, television, and house phone while I am on my vacations and over most weekends. We do stay in contact with family members and close friends no matter the time and activity through internet and/or cell phone. Yes, I agree the news happening now will impact my life in some way or another, however I can hear about it on Monday. With the 24 hour media out there why hear about it everyday, it will be there when I skip a few. It's not like I will make immediate changes when I hear the news that Korea has done something, but I do need to know if a hurricane is off Florida's coast.

mhayes said...

These are very good questions. I think for some people their media habits do change during the summer. They may have a little more free time to things like go to the movies or read a book. My life is a little different. For the past two summers I have been a full time student therefore I don't have much time to do anything. (I think of myself whenever I see the suave shampoo commercials that are aimed at busy mom.) From the time I wake up my face is either in front of a computer screen, book or diaper. If it weren't for my 4 year old I would never turn my television on. He will come in the room where I am and say "Mommy don't you want the tv on?" So, I let him turn it on. And then he leaves out of the room. During the fall and spring semester when everything is not fast paced, I am able to go to the movies. I usually do read and do puzzles during these times but not the summer. It's backwards isn't it? I can't really comment on media when I take a trip because I have been on a trip in years. If I remember correctly I am not that engaged in the media. When I am on a trip I don't want to watch tv, listen to the radio or watch a television. I don't watch a lot tv as it is so being able to escape it is not really a change for me. I do however have to have the internet. Like I said in my last blog I check my husbands facebook and myspace page. I think I am addicted to doing that. For some reason I just have to have the internet. My husband and me plan on coming to MS soon to visit family and I do plan on bringing my laptop. The cell phone is the same as the tv. I live without it. Everyone is always complaining that can never reach me because I don't answer my phone. Most of the time I don't know where it is. It's usually somewhere with a depleted battery. So, I know if I go on vacation things will not change. If I am on vacation I feel like I shouldn't have to talk on the phone. I guess in my own way I feel disconnected from the world so a vacation would be the same. Maybe on vacation I should do a reversal and watch tv and talk on the phone. What do you think?

MR said...

Oh yes. I find myself watching a lot more tv and being on the internet so much more now that t is summer. I just have more time to do these things and more the most part I am interested in them. I have my shows I watch on tv on a daily bases.

I also love going to the movies. Going to the moives is like a way for me to get out. There have also been a lot of good moives that have come out this summer.

As for vacations, most of the time I try and not watch tv or use the internet unless I am looking somewhere up on a map or something. I do use my phone though but more as a saftey factor and not so much to keep in touch with people outside of my vacation.

Jon Goldman said...

My media habits do change during the summer, this summer especially. Usually during the summer, I spend a great deal of time catching up on movies, television shows, and just surfing the internet. This summer is very different, I'm in summer school and I have a job. Not to mention that my roommate and I forgot to buy cable for the summer so I have no internet of television at my house. All this adds up to me doing a lot of school work and not watching television at all (unless its watching Hulu in the library).

But it hasn't just been all work and no play. I do get a chance to read a lot at my job. Whenever there are not many customers coming up to my desk, I'm allowed to read, do homework, etc. Pretty much anything but pull out a laptop or a cellphone. So this has allowed me to be able to catch up on some books that I've been meaning to read for a while now. I guess you could say I'm still catching up on my media, I just switched out my television and computer for a book.

Lanna Nations said...

My media habits really don't change that much with summer. I have a full time job, I'm a student, a wife, and a mother. Summer is actually my busy time at work, so vacation from May to August is a little scarce in our office.
I would say that traveling changes my media habits. I tend to watch less tv while traveling (although I don't watch that much to begin with). I also don't use the internet as much while vacationing, or cell phone for that matter. We recently went to Chicago for about a week last month and I think I logged on to the internet once (to print my boarding pass and check facebook). I think I only used my cell phone maybe two or three times during that trip as well.

Susan F said...

Yes, I think that my media habits change slightly in the summer. I work full time, have a family and go to school, so I don't have much time for television any time of the year. We spend a tremendous amount of time outdoors when the weather is nice, so I do not watch much television any time of the year.

On the other hand, I seem to have more time in the summer. The days are longer, and the weather is usually great. I think I take more time to do things like going to the movies in the summer time. I am never completely cut off from the media and technology because I check my email daily and I always have my cell phone. I even took my laptop on vacation just so I could stay "connected" in a way.