Monday, April 19, 2010

Finishing the Semester

There's only two points available to finish the blog so i didn't really prepare a question. This one is easy. Just respond back to me with anything to pick up your two points. However i would like to remind you of a few things.

1. The final is available starting on April 22nd. The deadline passes at 11:59PM on April 27th. I will not accept any late grades for ANY REASON.
2. The April mini-monthly is still due by the end of the month.
3. Please consider filling out a course evaluation when AOCE prompts you to do so. Historically speaking, the response rate for online courses is very low. Many online students just forget to fill them out. They are extremely helpful to me. I value all comments, both positive and negative. I would appreciate any response you could give to this.

That being said, i hope you've all enjoyed the course.


Vanessa Collier said...
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Vanessa Collier said...

I really enjoyed this class this semester. I feel like I learned alot, and I really enjoyed reading everyone's blogs throughout the semester. I liked how the class was setup. It was very helpful to be able to look ahead and read what our assignments were and when they were due. I wish all online classes were setup exactly like this one.

Lucky said...

Thanks for making this class interesting.

Sandra Perkins said...

I really enjoyed this online class. I especially like the fact that we were able to work at our own pace. When you have a husband and three children. This really helps out a lot. There was not a lot of pressure regarding assignments from this class. Thank you so much! You really made it interesting - especially the weekly blogs. Thanks again.

Ken Holm said...

Professor Williams,

I completed the evaluation a short while ago, soon after they were released.

I have enjoyed your class. It has been thought provoking.

-Ken Holm

Paul Miller said...

I really enjoyed the class. My favorite part was the media day assignments. This was an interesting course and I was never bored with anything we had to do. Thank you.

Anita Griffin said...

I really enjoyed this class. I also like the flexibility that we had in this class. I was actually able to finish assignments a little bit earlier. The class was very interesting and I like the Blogging. I like reading everyone comments. I have recommended this class to a couple of my friends. I told them that they will thoroughly enjoy the class, and also they will have a really nice instructor. It was a great semester. I hope everyone has a good summer

Alvin McKinley said...

I have enjoyed the class as well. The only things that I found lacking were the discussions over the Lecture materials either through the blog or through the assignments. I would have liked to see a quiz or two about the questions covered in midterm and final.

I am also wondering if there are any points that can be made up for, like an extra credit. That would be helpful I think.

Zack Harrington said...

Dr. Williams,

I appreciate the class format where you promoted interaction. It is always good to interact with current issues and get a better understanding where and why people do the things they do. This class continued to be interesting and i'm sure it will be the same way for semesters to come. Thanks Again!

Chris Stallworth said...

I enjoyed this class. This was my first semester in online courses and I wasn't sure what to expect, but the format for this class has been wonderful. I enjoyed the assignments and the class lectures were very informative. Thank you for a great semester.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making this class enjoyable! It has been a great semester!

Melvin Hayes said...

I enjoyed the class. The topics covered were very diverse and I appreciate that. Any information about extra credit would be helpful.


Ebb said...

I have really enjoyed this class and you are a great instructor. I learned alot in this class. Hopefully I can get the points needed to get through this semester, since I had got to a late start.

Tanya Mathews said...

I enjoyed this class immensely, especially since everything was spelled out on the syllabus. Knowing at the beginning of a class what is expected is much easier in the preparation for the semester.
Just like Ken, I have already filled out one evaluation. I always try to fill these out so that the instructor can get a better perspective on the class and the students.
Thank you for making this such an interesting class.

noelle carlin said...

This was my VERY favorite class, not saying that just to be nice either. I wanted to learn more about this class and listening to you talk while i followed along with the slides helped me so much on the tests! It was funny to hear you talk about your daughter, and to go off when there was a noise. I look forward to taking another class from you in the future. =)

Angela Doles said...

I enjoyed your class and really liked the way you have it set up. The deadlines weren't horrible but still kept us on track. Hope you have a great summer.

Laura Chisolm said...

I have really enjoyed this class. There were many options to view and study just how much the media persuades us. This class was set up very well and I appreciate how you let us express our personal views.

Sandy said...

I really enjoyed taking this class. My favorite assignments involved watching the videos that were provided through the lectures. They were all very interesting and appropriate for the content that we were learning in class.

Jessica Williams said...

Good class and you are a very helpful teacher... I know I appreciate it!

Hartman said...

I have completed the survey. Studying the issues and debates related to mass media and our society has been fascinating and enlightening.

Mary Catherine Carmichael said...

This has been a great class. I wish more online instuctors conducted their classes like yours. I have enjoyed the assignments, they actually made me watch television shows that I would not have watched otherwise because I don't watch alot of telelvsion. I hope everyone in this class has a great summer.

Brandy Stuart said...

I have enjoyed the class. Please keep all of the offshore workers in your prayers and not always belive what you see on Tv or hear. This has been a tough semester I have been dealing with alot but because of your format I have been able to stay on top of things. Good luck to all.

Les éditions de l'araignée said...

I just run into this blog by chance, but I was very interested in the discussions and also discoverd WikiLeaks that I did not know before. As a European, it was interesting a look into american perceptions of media from the common people's view. Thank you for sharing this on the web.